
Ginger Pad given OK to expand

BURLINGTON — The Planning Board voted 6-0 recently — member Jayne Hyde was absent — to approve a special permit and minor engineering change for the Ginger Pad restaurant at Wayside Commons on Wayside Road.

The votes mean the restaurant will expand to a total of 120 seats.

Rick Feldman, a representative of the restaurant, said they were initially going to seek 42 seats, but they made an adjustment in the parking area which will accommodate three more; the total of the expansion, then, will be 45.

Attorney Robert Buckley of the local firm of Riemer & Braunstein, representing the Ginger Pad and Wayside Commons, said the additional 45 seats "will be located in the vacant space between the Ginger Pad and another restaurant, Not Your Average Joe's."

Planning Board Chairwoman Ann Cummings said that a utility pole "was a problem" on the Wayside Commons site.

Feldman responded that he has been in contact with NSTAR regarding this situation. That company, Feldman said, is working to "complete permits for the connection of lines overhead."

The special permit and minor engineering change passed with little other discussion.

In a matter not related to the Ginger Pad, Buckley said, one handicapped parking space will be relocated.

That parking space, stated the attorney, is located in front of L.L. Bean, and "will be relocated to a spot behind the building," Buckley said.

Restaurant to withdraw

Planning Director Tony Fields said Robert Centoni and Robert Santini, seeking a special permit for a fast-food restaurant at 376 Cambridge St. (the site of the former Direct Auto Parts store that is being subdivided), are going to withdraw the application.

The board voted 6-0 to continue the matter to Feb. 21, at which time the application is expected to be officially withdrawn.

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